LOCAL ATMOSPHERE IMMERSION | KNOW OUR GENUINE CHORAL GROUP from Alentejo Hills in our Hidden Place and enjoy a MONTADO products tasting
They sing CANTE ALENTEJANO a traditional music genre and artistic MUSICAL EXPRESSION mostly from Baixo Alentejo, in PORTUGAL
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
On 27th November 2014, during the Committee meeting in Paris, UNESCO considered the Alentejo song as an INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE of HUMANITY
It is completely different from anything you heard before. In a kind of slow motion, sentences are repeated as many times as participants wish and the song becomes monotonous appealing to strong feelings
Buying an EXPERIENCE you are helping this Coral Group to survive and the CORO ALENTEJANO to last. Thank you for your choice.
CARE FOR ENVIRONMENT & SUPPORTING OUR COMMUNITIES MATTERS Add to your visit other complementary options as PICNIC by Cila, a local Cooker; a Biodiversity Expedition; ADOPT an OAK TREE an investment to last in CARBON RESCUE and BIODIVERSITY conservation. Make it an UNIQUE and very special MEMORY FOR LIFE. Share it with your family, friends, work team and social networks
For your convenience we have partners if you need transportation or a place to stay according to your preferences
Thank you for helping MONTADO to prosper!